Sep 22, 2007

El socialismo es salud

En estos días leí que Bush anunció que va vetar la ley que obliga a brindar un seguro de salud a todos los niños de EEUU, aún a los que no lo necesitan. Como dice Ramiro en su post, me temo que si ganan los demócratas el país se encamina hacia un sistema socializado como el de Canadá. ¿Pueden los republicanos hacer algo para evitarlo?:

Liberals see the concerns of families as a failure of private insurance, and want the U.S. to move toward a government-run, single-payer model. This is a recipe for making problems worse. Socialized medicine inevitably leads to poor quality, inefficiency, rising taxes and rationing. The waiting lines and poor care that cause people from other countries to come here for treatment are not the answer.

Government can help poorer and older Americans get quality health care without sacrificing what everyone wants -- the ability to choose their own doctor and health coverage that meets their family's particular needs. What reforms will do that?

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