Sep 28, 2007

No se puede creer

Insisto, esto de ser progre tiene mucho más que ver con una enfermedad mental que con una postura ideológica. Visto en lo de Johan Norberg:


I have to confess that I couldn’t really get myself to understand that some Americans and Europeans excused Hitler and Stalin because they saw problems in the West. I couldn´t understand that they were so obsessed with everything they thought was wrong with their own countries (and certainly there were problems) that it blinded them to the important differences in the world, and they begun to embrace the dictators.

Until I read Sally Kohn explain that she has a crush on Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, at the Daily Kos:

"I know I’m a Jewish lesbian and he’d [Ahmadinejad] probably have me killed. But still, the guy speaks some blunt truths about the Bush Administration that makes me swoon...

I want to be very clear. There are certainly many things about Ahmadinejad that I abhor — locking up dissidents, executing of gay folks, denying the fact of the Holocaust, potentially adding another dangerous nuclear power to the world and, in general, stifling democracy. Even still, I can’t help but be turned on by his frank rhetoric calling out the horrors of the Bush Administration and, for that matter, generations of US foreign policy preceding."


  1. Increíble.

    Pero no me sorprende. Hay mucha gente con un piro bárbaro.

    Espero que sigan haciendo este tipo de comentarios, porque de la mano de Nader y el Green Party, le regalaron a Bush la presidencia en el 2000. Ahora apuesto fuerte al Daily Kos y a para el 2008. Hay que darles guita.

  2. Será judía y lesbiana pero, ante todo, anti-americana. Eso viene primero.


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