Oct 9, 2007


Muy relacionado con lo del "ocaso" de EEUU, los lobbies por prebendas sectoriales se siguen disfrazando en el tremendismo:

But here's the kicker. U.S. manufacturing is not in decline — not by any stretch. Manufacturing is thriving by historic standards and relative to other countries' manufacturing sectors. In 2006, the sector achieved record output, record sales revenue, record profits, record profit rates, record return on investment, and record exports. U.S. factories continued to be the world's most prolific in 2006, accounting for just over 20 percent of the world's manufacturing value-added. By contrast, Chinese factories accounted for just 8 percent.

And 2006 was not an aberration. Since the nadir of the manufacturing recession in 2002, all of those indicators have been trending upward. The most recent quarterly Census data show that the trends have continued into 2007, where second quarter sales, profits and output are at all time highs.

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