Oct 10, 2007

Extraordinario. Hasta Mugabe reconoce que la “reforma agraria” en Zimbabwe fue un absoluto desastre que convirtió al país en el hazmerreír internacional.

Pero en Latinoamérica todavía abundan los políticos e intelectuales que siguen proponiendo y aplaudiendo medidas de este tipo.

No aprendemos más.


  1. Tengo mucha fiaca para transcribir parte del capítulo sobre Tanzania de "Eat The Rich", pero les aseguro que la historia se repite....

  2. Interesante comentario en el post original en Reason, acerca de la "ayuda humanitaria" que termina en manos de dictadores y megalómanos de todo tipo :

    Fluffy | October 10, 2007, 2:59pm | #


    The knowledge that aid will be forthcoming emboldens dictators to take courses of action that are economically destructive but politically advantageous. In the example Kaplan covered, the Ethiopia situation in the "Live Aid" years, the government of Ethiopia felt free to destroy the agricultural system of the country, because they knew they could use western aid to feed their supporters in loyal provinces. They might not have dared to undercut their country's agriculture if they thought they would have rely on their own resources.

    In the Mugabe situation, the destruction of the farmers allowed Mugabe to achieve two of his main political goals - he got vengeance on the whites and drove many of them out of Zimbabwe, AND he was able to use their property to reward veterans of the civil war who were demanding that the promises made during the rebellion be kept. He didn't think he had to care about the likely economic damage.

    De todos modos... granjeros hambrientos de Zimbabwe, a no desesperar !!! Bono, Sting y compañía ya estarán preparando un nuevo disco para recordarnos que "we are the world we are the children so let's start giving".

  3. Es muy triste pero es así. Las personas actúan racionalmente de acuerdo a los incentivos.


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