Oct 30, 2007

Más sobre la Argentina de Cristina Kirchner, esta vez del Washington Post:

The Kirchners managed to get through the election season by manipulating the inflation figures and bullying supermarkets into keeping prices down. Now Ms. Fernández de Kirchner, who conducted her campaign without participating in a debate or even holding a news conference, must make a crucial decision. She can use her mandate to deliver the tough medicine the economy needs -- including energy price and interest rate increases, a revaluation of the currency and a reconciliation with the International Monetary Fund, which holds the key to renewed foreign investment. Or she can pursue her husband's populist course until it produces another crash. Ms. Fernández de Kirchner is a seasoned politician with more interest in the outside world than her predecessor. But it will be a pleasant surprise if she avoids repeating history.

Me ganó de mano Carlos en BlogBis.

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