Oct 28, 2007

Superioridad moral

La corrección política europea o la indignación moral para la tribuna. Es muy llamativa la mala memoria, o la mala fe, que tiene esta gente.

El único sobreviviente del Holocausto en el Congreso de EEUU le recuerda a la delegación de parlamentarios holandeses que protestan por Guantánamo, que Europa se horroriza más por el campo de detención de EEUU en Cuba que en su momento por Auschwitz.

Me hace acordar a las objeciones morales que tenían muchos en Holanda porque el heredero del trono se iba a casar con una argentina con lazos familiares a supuestos colaboradores del último régimen militar. Parece que ya se olvidaron de que los holandeses, salvo honrosas excepciones, hacían cola para entregar judíos de esa nacionalidad a los nazis mientras que la Argentina tenía una política de puertas abiertas:

He’ll probably apologize for the remark later but Democratic Congressman Tom Lantos of California, the only Holocaust survivor in Congress, told it like it is to some Dutch politicians: “Europe was not as outraged by Auschwitz as by Guantanamo Bay.”

The liberal Lantos is far from a friend of Gitmo. The Dutch sent these politicians here to bitch about Gitmo. No reporter attended a meeting between the Dutch and the congressman, but AP wrote a story based on Green Party legislator Mariko Peters.

The Dutch are threatening to remove their 1,600 troops from Afghanistan to protest Gitmo. Dutch politicians face growing problems with Islamic youths and likely fear a L’Intifada like France suffered in 2005.

Peters said: “We have to close Guantanamo because it symbolizes for me everything that is wrong with this war on terror.”

To which Lantos apparently replied: “Europe was not as outraged by Auschwitz as by Guantanamo Bay”

He also said: “You have to help us, because if it was not for us you would now be a province of Nazi Germany.”

Good for him.

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