Dec 26, 2007


Al final me parece que tienen razón los que sostienen que EEUU vive pendiente de Argentina. No se pierdan la editorial del Washington Post de hoy.

Ms. Fernández de Kirchner, who took office days before the arrests were made, replaced her husband, Néstor Kirchner, a populist who allowed Mr. Chávez to use Argentina as a staging point for anti-American demonstrations. Argentines and Americans who hoped the change of presidents would lead to an improvement in U.S.-Argentine relations are disappointed; some, demonstrating their ignorance of the U.S. legal system, blame the Bush administration for the results of a criminal investigation. The Kirchners' reaction shows that hopes for a change in Argentina's foreign policy were probably misplaced. Rather than distancing themselves from the scandal, both have joined Mr. Chávez in making wild charges about White House "dirty tricks" and a supposed Bush administration plot to subjugate Argentina.

"Relations with the United States are not good, and Argentina isn't a colony" of the United States, Mr. Kirchner declared last Tuesday, shortly after his wife conferred privately with Mr. Chávez. That, of course, doesn't answer the question many Argentines are asking -- which is whether Argentina is becoming a colony of Venezuela.

1 comment:

  1. Menudo problema para los pseudoperiodistas progres argentinos, que se agarran de cada editorial del WaPo para tirarle merda al gobierno de Bush. Y ahora? sera el WaPo un diario enemigo? Por lo pronto los zombies que escriben comentarios en La Nacion se quejan del "diario yanki que solo defiende los intereses de Bush."


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