Feb 8, 2008

De SG, el economo del blog, por email:

Things are changing rapidly. The online futures market is now saying that in the past two days Hillary has lost the #1 slot and is now ranked #3 to win the presidency. Peggy Noonan is now ruminating about a Hillary loss. McCain holds a small lead over Obama, and Obama has surged in recent days as Hillary has fallen. It's going to be a very close and interesting race between Obama and McCain, since Obama is "change" and McCain is "establishment," and in that battle Obama wins, I think. But Obama still lacks substance (what does he really stand for, other than higher taxes and universal healthcare and a promise to dialogue with those who don't like us?). McCain is full of substance, but still not palatable to the conservative wing of the Republican party because his credentials (voted against the tax cuts, voted for limiting free speech) are woefully lacking. He is trying to fix that, and he just might. He's got Steve Forbes and Phil Gramm as economic advisors, and they are very solid. The Democrats already own the majority of the hispanic population because they are more lenient on immigration, but McCain is among the most lenient in the Republican party, so it wouldn't be hard for him to match their appeal. Republicans sound mean and nasty when they talk about closing the borders and not wanting to grant amnesty to illegals, but McCain is unlikely to adopt that posture.

I have been anti-McCain for quite some time, but I am warming up to him. I have despised Obama's economic policies, but he has impressed me with his common sense (you can't force people to buy health insurance, and you can't freeze interest rates, he told Hillary). This might be an election in which we really do have an interesting choice to make. And thank goodness Hillary and Bill won't be one of the choices.

1 comment:

  1. Digamos que es probable que a partir de 2009 habrá un nuevo mazo de cartas.

    Me asusta un poco qué puede salir.


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