Mar 31, 2008

La crisis, según el WSJ

Mary Anastasia O'Grady dice cada cosas... (y en forma tan simple que hasta Lousteau podría entender:)

This government, it seems, will do just about anything to reduce inflation except the one thing that would solve the problem: Let the peso strengthen. It has imposed price controls on businesses; frozen, and then subsidized, energy prices; and prohibited the export of beef. Last year it fired the director of the government's agency for inflation data because she refused to fudge the numbers. Even so, prices rose by an estimated 20% in 2007 and expectations for this year remain high. This would explain the new round of confiscatory export taxes. By discouraging farmers from sending food abroad, the government thinks it can increase food supplies inside the country and damp prices.

While making farmers furious and reducing the incentive to produce, this does nothing to address the causes of the inflation, which are monetary expansion and the failure of the economy to attract investment and expand productive capacity. A strong peso and a commitment from the government to respect private property are what's needed to confront rising prices.

Instead, like loyal minions desperate to plug holes in a leaky dike, Mrs. Kirchner's economics team is running around trying to compensate for the many Kirchner policy errors without freeing the economy. The inflation crisis is only the latest fiasco. Subsidies to offset the new export taxes cannot be far behind.

But never mind. Kirchner power does not lie in a rational economic model. The first couple's idea of running an economy is to tax, prohibit, regulate, subsidize and otherwise micromanage every aspect of Argentine life so that no decision can be made without checking first with them. They are, at bottom, unreconstructed authoritarians.

1 comment:

  1. Si fueran sólo los K. Casi todo el pueblo argentino cree en el micromanagement de la economía por parte del gobierno federal.


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