Apr 1, 2008

Garchando por la Patria


En viejos archivos de la Stasi aparecieron películas porno en 16 mm, filmadas en 1982 y protagonizadas por soldados del Ejercito Popular de Alemania Oriental, para el entretenimiento de los altos mandos.

Movies with titles like Glass Dreams, Private Werner's Big Surprise and F***ing for the Fatherland were made by a secret unit set up within a barracks of the army in Biesdorf in East Berlin. [...]

Officially, to the overlords of the politburo, pornography was a disease of capitalism that held no place in the socialist paradise behind the Berlin Wall. Unofficially, 160 officers and men beavered away with 16mm cameras to produce pornographic movies that were shown to top brass of the army in East Germany and for visiting generals from other Warsaw Pact nations. [...]

The women in the films were mostly locals supplementing meagre wages or rations by performing in them.

Como si hiciera falta aclarar esto último.

1 comment:

  1. Mike, Mike, no entiendes nada. Para la izquierda, en todas sus versiones, enunciar equivale a realizar. Lo único que existe es lo “oficial”.


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