May 22, 2008

Qué pasa cuando el estado ahoga a los ricos con impuestos?

Pierden los pobres.

Siguiendo los pasos de Laffer, con ustedes, Hauser's Law:
"No matter what the tax rates have been, in postwar America tax revenues have remained at about 19.5% of GDP."

What a pity that his discovery has not been more widely disseminated...

...What happens if we instead raise tax rates? Economists of all persuasions accept that a tax rate hike will reduce GDP, in which case Hauser's Law says it will also lower tax revenue. That's a highly inconvenient truth for redistributive tax policy, and it flies in the face of deeply felt beliefs about social justice. It would surely be unpopular today with those presidential candidates who plan to raise tax rates on the rich – if they knew about it.


  1. no por nada Bush tiene record de recaudacion anio tras anio

  2. Esto lo saben hasta los progres. Para gran parte de la izquierda los aumentos de impuestos “a los ricos” tienen un objetivo punitivo mucho más que recaudatorio.


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