May 30, 2008

Una salud florida

Hablando de sistemas de salud, ¿hay esperanza en EEUU, a pesar de las propuestas de Hillary y Obama?

Medidas como estas me dan esperanza.

Por iniciativa del gobernador, la legislatura de Florida aprobó por unanimidad una reforma al sistema que rige en el estado que, con el objetivo de hacer más accesible la cobertura de salud, elimina una serie de regulaciones e imposiciones estatales.

Básicamente se trata del reconocimiento explicito de que el camino hacia una mayor cobertura de salud pasa por menos y no más estado:

The Florida reform, which both houses of the legislature approved unanimously, renounces Mr. Obama's favored remedy: It nudges the government out of the health-care marketplace. Insurance companies will be permitted to sell stripped-down, no-frills policies exempted from the more than 50 mandates that Florida otherwise imposes, including for acupuncture and chiropractics. The new plans will be designed to cost as little as $150 a month, or less.

Mr. Crist observed that state regulations increase the cost of health coverage, and thus rightly decided to do away with at least some of them. It's hard to believe, but this qualifies as a revelation in the policy world of health insurance. The new benefit packages will be introduced sometime next year and include minimum coverage for primary care and catastrophic expenses for major illness.

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