Jun 25, 2008

El cagandidato

John Stossel se pregunta si McCain entiende cómo funcionan los mercados.

Leo sus declaraciones y me quiero matar. Espero que sólo sea para estricto consumo preelectoral.

It's clear McCain does not understand how markets work or why they are good. He certainly doesn't understand the role of speculators and other middlemen. He's not alone. Speculators are among the most reviled people in history. When they were members of ethnic minorities, they have been easy targets for economically illiterate people who were jealous of their success.

McCain wonders "whether speculation has been going on." He needn't wonder. Speculation always goes on. Speculation means to take a risk on what the future holds in hopes of making a profit. The world's stock and commodities markets are based on this principle. Sen. McCain must have meant it when he said, "I know a lot less about economics than I do about military and foreign policy issues".


  1. Realmente es insondable por qué Ramiro y Cogito están embobados con McCaín. Una cosa es que Obama sea un impresentable, pero otra muy distinta es apoyar a un viejito gagá como McCaín: el De la Rúa estadounidense.

  2. Yo, comparto, no me gusta McCain, pero al lado de Obama es Reagan.

  3. si yo hubiera leido otros posts de Ramiro y mios acerca de los candidatos, sabria cual nos gustaba.

    ni Ramiro ni yo tenemos que votar en las presidenciales ya que vivimos en estados con votos muertos

    pero una cosa que si Ramiro y yo sabemos, es lo que Obama representa para nuestro pais, y actuamos de acuerdo.

    es eso lo que a vos te molesta, lector?


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