Aug 8, 2008


Más sobre China y las olimpiadas. Del WSJ. Lo digo yo acá y ni lo leen. Lo dicen en el WSJ y les da un soponcio:

There is no ducking the fact, however, that this is a political Olympics. China today is in no way the rank evil that lay behind Nazi Germany in 1936 nor the grim totalitarianism of Moscow in 1980. China's ruling Communist Party, which was responsible for so much of the country's suffering the past half-century, can take credit for continuing the market reforms begun under Deng Xiaoping. This is an opportunity for China to showcase economic progress that was unimaginable only 30 years ago.

For all that, China remains a one-party state. The Communist Party brooks no dissent, and already controversy has arisen over blocked Web sites and Internet access. The mass closing of factories to diminish pollution was a fantastic display of authoritarian might.

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