Aug 28, 2008

Excelente análisis de Daniel Henninger en el WSJ:
The 2008 election is almost certainly going to be decided by white, lower-middle-class voters -- the people who voted for Hillary Clinton this year and before that for Ronald Reagan. If these voters don't swing behind the Obama candidacy in Ohio, Michigan, Florida and Missouri, he will lose.

Yet amid a universally described lack of clarity about Sen. Obama's experience and core political beliefs, it is now being said that if the people in blue-collar counties don't vote for him, they, and their nation, remain racist.

This is false. If they don't vote for Barack Obama, it won't be over his personal roots, but because they're confused about the roots of his politics.

1 comment:

  1. Interesante artículo. Ahora yo pregunto, ¿se puede votar a Reagan y después a Hillary?.
    En todos esos estados que nombraste puede ganar McCain salvo en Michigan que es medio progre.


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