Sep 11, 2008

El Club Anti Cobertura Universal

No sabía que existía un club anti cobertura universal de salud. De otra manera, me hubiera hecho socio hace rato:

The Anti-Universal Coverage Club is a list of scholars and citizens who reject the idea that government should ensure that all individuals have health insurance. It exists to challenge the idea that “universal coverage” is the best way to protect and promote health.

The following principles explain the club’s opposition to “universal coverage”:

1. Health policy should focus on making health care of ever-increasing quality available to an ever-increasing number of people.
2. “Universal coverage” could be achieved only by forcing everyone to buy health insurance or by having government provide health insurance to all, neither of which is desirable.
3. In a free society, people should have the right to refuse health insurance.
4. If governments must subsidize those who cannot afford medical care, they should be free to experiment with different types of subsidies (cash, vouchers, insurance, public clinics & hospitals, uncompensated care payments, etc.) and tax exemptions, rather than be forced by a policy of “universal coverage” to subsidize people via “insurance.”

1 comment:

  1. Si Dios quisiera que todos sobrevivieran no hubiera creado la seleccion natural!!!
    Viva los Darwin Awards!!


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