Sep 11, 2008


Karl Rove sostiene que Obama debe concentrarse en McCain, no en Palin. Creo que tiene razón:

Of all the advantages Gov. Sarah Palin has brought to the GOP ticket, the most important may be that she has gotten into Barack Obama's head. How else to explain Sen. Obama's decision to go one-on-one against "Sarah Barracuda," captain of the Wasilla High state basketball champs?

It's a matchup he'll lose. If Mr. Obama wants to win, he needs to remember he's running against John McCain for president, not Mrs. Palin for vice president.


  1. Si lo dice este entonces debe ser cierto.
    Es bueno en las estrategias electorales el guacho.

  2. La experiencia de campañas anteriores muestra que Rove tiene razón. Sarah les complicó todos los planes.


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