Sep 24, 2008

La generosidad del vice

Más sobre Biden. El hombre dueño de un corazón enorme cuya compasión no conoce límites:
Joe Biden wrapped Old Glory around Barack Obama's plan to raise taxes on wealthy Americans, saying the rich should be "patriotic" and fork over more cash. "It's time to be patriotic, time to jump in, time to be part of the deal, time to help get America out of the rut," Obama's running mate said on ABC's "Good Morning America."
Pero un momento. Veamos que hace con su plata el hombre:
Democratic vice presidential nominee Sen. Joe Biden released 10 years of tax returns Friday...The Bidens' joint gross income hovered between $215,000 and $320,000 a year during this period...The amount they gave to charity during this period never exceeded one-half of 1% of their annual income. The Bidens never gave more than $995 to charity in any of the tax years, and usually gave much less.(Source)

Compare Biden's behavior to that of a typical American:

The IRS reports that those who itemize deductions on their income tax returns have claimed, since 1975, that between 1.6 percent and 2.16 percent of their income went to charitable concerns.
Porqué no me sorprende? La jugada célebre: ser generoso con la plata de los demás.

Por otro lado veamos que pasa con el mensajero del demonio y actual ocupatario del cargo al que aspira Biden, Dick Cheney. Oops, donó 3/4 de sus ingresos en el 2005:
The Cheneys gave more than three-quarters of their income - $6,869,655 - to several charities, including George Washington University's Cardiothoracic Institute and a charity for low-income high school students in the Washington, D.C. area, Capital Partners for Education.


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