Oct 2, 2008

Burning Rush

Rush está que trina con el tema del bailout.

[...] I take you back to the preamble of the United States Constitution where it says protect the general welfare, not ensure it. Folks, there's a word for this. It's called socialism. [...]

[...] Section B of Purposes number two: "Preserves home ownership and promotes jobs and economic growth." So the Treasury Secretary has the authority to preserve home ownership and promote jobs and economic growth. Now, how do you preserve home ownership? I'm not trying to be a simpleton here, folks, but the way you preserve home ownership is to pay your mortgage. So does this mean that if you can't pay your mortgage, you call the Treasury Secretary and ask for a mortgage payment in order to ensure the financial system of the United States? I know it's happening, and this is the problem! How's the Treasury Secretary going to create jobs? Preserve home ownership and promote jobs and economic growth. We're putting all this in the Senate bill, and the House bill did the same thing, in the hands of one guy. Now, we know it's going to be Paulson through January 20th, but we don't know who it's going to be beyond that. What if it's Franklin Raines? What if Obama wins and puts Franklin Raines in there as the Treasury Secretary? How's he going to preserve economic growth? If somebody had figured out the trick to that, there would never be any downward cycles, would there? It cannot happen, folks. It's simply not possible. There are cycles. And you can go to the -- a little oxymoron here -- you can go to the best-run central planning governments, you go to Cuba, you go to China, you go to Soviet Union of the past, you can go to any of these places and you tell me -- go to Korea, go to North Korea -- you tell me where economic growth is constantly occurring, even in the capitalist system that we have, or maybe had, the cycles were ever present, they are natural. Who is this miracle man, why is he given the power to do all this? This isn't his job, it isn't his business. It makes me wonder what the hell country we're living in. Section C of Purposes number two: "The Treasury Secretary has the authority to maximize overall returns to the taxpayers of the United States." (laughing) If this could work, if this did work, it would have been done throughout the course of human history, and nobody would have ever lost their shirts or anything else. So we're now shareholders in the government. We didn't elect this guy, so how is he accountable to us? Can we fire him? What kind of statement is this? [...]

Tiene mucha razón.


  1. Qué quieres que te diga, parece salido de la última constitución de Ecuador.

  2. delen con cosas como esta asi rescatan a ramiro del convencimiento pro socialismo en el que se metio ;)


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