Oct 22, 2008

CBP, sobre el dólar y la crisis:
In short, the dollar is returning to more normal levels, as are the prices of things like real estate, gold, and energy. While this impoverishes those who bet that "things" would continue to rise in price while the dollar continued to fall, it enriches everyone else. The dollar's new-found strength is boosting the global purchasing power of US citizens, and making everyday living expenses more affordable.

The big story from 2002 until recently was that money was cheap (because the Fed was easy), and everyone started wanting less money and more things. So they borrowed or sold dollars and bought houses, gold, and other currencies. This resulted in a huge shift in relative prices which grew to be unsustainable. We're now reversing that binge. The big story today is that everyone wants more money and fewer things. So they are paying off loans and buying dollars, and selling houses, gold, and other currencies.


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