Oct 30, 2008

Global Warming Fantasies Meet Financial Contraction

Los europeos, siempre los primeros en criticar, son también los primeros en incumplir y dejar de lado las políticas de reducción de emisión de gases de “calentamiento global”. Y, justo ahora que Europa tira la toalla desde el pedestal de la superioridad moral, EEUU se apresta a embarcarse en el suicidio:

Whoever is elected president, global warming legislation is going to be passed in Washington next year.

Legislation proposed by both John McCain and Barack Obama will require that the cost of energy to become so high that people will avoid using it. The serious question is: why would we do this in the current economic environment? Why would we take away capital that people would otherwise use to invest in companies that produce efficient things when that capital is already being destroyed at an alarming rate?

Other nations that embraced the abject environmental failure known as the Kyoto Protocol and imposed higher energy costs are fleeing from climate change policies as their economies implode. Only the U.S. seems eager to commit economic suicide over global warming.

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