Oct 14, 2008

Hagan apuestas señores

Bret Stephens considera que, más allá de las manifestaciones de deseo y de las celebraciones precoces, EEUU seguirá siendo la superpotencia mundial:

Last month's $700 billion bailout package seems staggeringly large, but it amounts to a little more than 5% of U.S. gross domestic product. Compare that to Germany's $400 billion to $536 billion rescue package (between 12% and 16% of its GDP), or Britain's $835 billion plan (30%).

Of course it may require considerably more than $700 billion to clean out our Augean Stables. But here it helps that the ratio of government debt to GDP in the U.S. runs to about 62%. For the eurozone, it's 75%; for Japan, 180%.

It also helps that the U.S. continues to have the world's largest inflows of foreign direct investment; that it ranks third in the world (after Singapore and New Zealand) for ease of doing business, according to the World Bank; and that its demographic trends aren't headed toward a tall and steep cliff -- as they are in the EU, Russia, Japan and China.


  1. Yo apuesto por la dupla Venezuela-Bolivia

  2. No mse olviden de la Rusia de Putin.

  3. No es la economia la que está en riesgo sino la democracia.

  4. ¿La democracia en dónde está en riesgo? ¿En Argentina?


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