Oct 20, 2008

La opinión de la nona

Tiene 92 pirulos y aparenta más lúcida que un licuado hecho con la cabeza de todos los funcionarios del Fed:
Most people now living have never seen a credit crunch like the one we are currently enduring. Ms. Schwartz, 92 years old, is one of the exceptions. She's not only old enough to remember the period from 1929 to 1933, she may know more about monetary history and banking than anyone alive. She co-authored, with Milton Friedman, "A Monetary History of the United States" (1963). It's the definitive account of how misguided monetary policy turned the stock-market crash of 1929 into the Great Depression.

..."firms that made wrong decisions should fail," she says bluntly. "You shouldn't rescue them. And once that's established as a principle, I think the market recognizes that it makes sense. Everything works much better when wrong decisions are punished and good decisions make you rich." The trouble is, "that's not the way the world has been going in recent years."

Entrevista completa, aquí.

1 comment:

  1. Sabias palabras las de esta señora, de su boca salen las verdades como poroto en la chaucha.


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