Oct 9, 2008

Muy interesante descripción de la frontera entre China y Corea del Norte, visto en Instapundit:

Officially, this is a friendly border. Two bridges span the river here, one rail and one road. But there is little traffic across them, and a vast difference between the two sides. On the North Korean shore, the most noticeable landmark among a huddle of dreary concrete buildings is a big portrait of the late Great Leader Kim Il Sung, gazing into China. At night, like the famous satellite pictures of North Korea (which shows up as a near-blank surrounded by a blaze of lights), the space below him is almost dark.

And while China by most comparisons is no free country, next to North Korea it is a land of liberty and wealth. On the Chinese side, there are bright street lamps along a river promenade, neon signs in the town of 136,000; restaurants and shops, pedicabs and cars.

(Más fotos)


  1. Impactante y hay gente que lucha por el comunismo... Luis agregale la foto al post.

  2. Hay que aprovechar el último paraíso.

  3. Siniestro, realmente es como pegar un grabado de la edad media en una foto satelital.


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