Oct 4, 2008

Una crítica de An American Carol.

Me encantaría que sea un éxito de taquilla. Contribuiría a demostrar que los progres tienen algo de sentido del humor cuando son ellos el blanco de los chistes:

The Left, the mainstream media, and Hollywood (but I repeat myself) will absolutely hate this movie. They cheerfully promulgate and perpetuate grossly-distorted depictions and unfair stereotypes of those on the Right (e.g., see the trashing of Sarah Palin), but they cannot endure to be mocked themselves. It is their fatal weakness, the one thing that keeps most clear-thinking people from taking themselves seriously.

And as an old American proverb says: screw ‘em if they can’t take a joke. The rest of us should go see the film, repeatedly. I plan to.

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