Nov 1, 2008

Dallas gracias

Se cumple el aniversario número 30 de Dallas, el programa de televisión que contribuyó a ganar la Guerra Fría.

Yo nunca lo vi, siempre me resultó soporífero, pero mi tía no se perdía episodio:

Dallas wasn’t simply a popular television show. It was a bourbon-and-sex-soaked caricature of free enterprise that proved irresistible and catalytic not just to stagflation-weary Americans but to viewers in France, the Soviet Union, and Romania. No matter how evil various translators tried to make J.R. and his milieu (“Dallas, you merciless universe!” ran the French lyrics added to the wordless U.S. theme song), viewers in nearly 100 countries, including the Warsaw Pact nations, came to believe that they too deserved cars as big as boats and swimming pools the size of small mansions.

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