Nov 20, 2008

Es interesante ver que después del entusiasmo inicial The Economist, en una época una de las mejores publicaciones en su especialidad, se dio cuenta de que la mierda es mierda por más que te la vendan en frasco de dulce de leche:

Argentina’s vigorous recovery from its financial collapse of 2001-02 will peter out in 2009, as commodity prices soften. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, the populist president, will pay a political price for her failure—and that of her husband and predecessor, Néstor Kirchner—to persuade investors that Argentina is a safe place to do business. Despite the government’s manipulation of the inflation index, Argentines know they are getting poorer. The Kirchners’ hold over the Congress and the ruling Peronist party will vanish in a legislative election in October. Rather than the divided opposition parties, Peronist barons of the centre-right may be the big winners. Ms Fernández will govern at their pleasure for the rest of her term until 2012—if she lasts that long.

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