Nov 4, 2008


De Dolores, como quien ameniza la espera.

Los muchachos del NYT por se dan por enterados de que los prisioneros de Guantánamo son peligrosos:

According to the six-year narrative of the press and political class, the Bush Administration's counterterrorism policies fall somewhere between the Spanish Inquisition and the Ministry of Love in "1984." So it was something of a shock to read a remarkable front-page story in the New York Times yesterday, the abridged version being: Never mind.

In their 1,600-word dispatch "Next President Will Face Test on Detainees," reporters William Glaberson and Margot Williams discover that, gee whiz, many of the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay really are dangerous terrorists. The Times reviewed "thousands of pages" of evidence that the government has so far made public and concludes that perhaps the reality is more complicated than the critics claim.

1 comment:

  1. Una vez que se vaya Bush, la mitad de lo que hizo va a ser invalorable.

    Era malo porque él lo hacía.


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