Nov 6, 2008

La democracia sólo es democracia si las elecciones las gana el que yo creo que tiene que ganar

Muy interesante comparación entre las reacciones de los conservadores/derecha ante la victoria de Obama y las reacciones de la progresía en 2000 y 2004.

Que yo sepa, nadie en ese ámbito amenazó con irse del país ni acusa a los norteamericanos de mersas ignorantes cuando no votan como ellos creen que deben votar:

With so many conservatives thinking McCain was going to win, you’d think the howling would have been unearthly after Obama’s victory. There should be conservatives threatening to move overseas, on medication, heading off to the psychologist, and non-stop attacks on the American people for being so stupid. Why not? After all, that’s what the left did after their loss in 2004.

And yet, the most common reaction across the right side of the blogosphere was either a congratulations to Obama, a recognition that having the first black president was a historic moment for America, or some combination thereof.

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