Nov 22, 2008

Training Day

No se pierdan esta columna de Bill Whittle sobre el maravilloso mundo de la corrección política. Todos los que alguna vez hemos tenido que asistir a un curso sobre acoso entendemos perfectamente de lo que habla:

Well, first of all, I find it deeply offensive to my personal sense of honor and integrity to be punished or otherwise lectured on something I did not do. Period. And to be subjected to two hours of second-grade style, “who can tell me what Johnny did wrong by telling Sarah she has a hot body” lecturing infuriates me on many levels.

To begin with, I do not need to be told this is inappropriate behavior. I already know that is inappropriate behavior. I learned that was inappropriate behavior not from the state of California or a battalion of corporate lawyers, but from my parents, who raised me to be polite, well-mannered, and who spent much of their own youth trying to form me into a civilized gentleman. I know, I can see the smiles on many faces already. It’s like I’m speaking in Aramaic.


  1. jejejeje, yo la leí en su site y estaba seguro de que alguno la iba a postear.... brillante.

  2. Muy bueno. Hay algo de inhumano en imponer el manadmiento de que decirle a una mina que esta buena está mal. Hay grises que son grises desde que el muno es mundo. No se, si sos un boludo y le decis a la mina equivocada el piropo equivocado, lo lamento. Pero realmente se van de mambo.


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