Dec 21, 2008

KO: chau lawsuits

Es al vicio. Esta pelea estaba perdida desde el primer round:

After years of suing thousands of people for allegedly stealing music via the Internet, the recording industry is set to drop its legal assault as it searches for more effective ways to combat online music piracy.

The decision represents an abrupt shift of strategy for the industry, which has opened legal proceedings against about 35,000 people since 2003. Critics say the legal offensive ultimately did little to stem the tide of illegally downloaded music. And it created a public-relations disaster for the industry, whose lawsuits targeted, among others, several single mothers, a dead person and a 13-year-old girl.

1 comment:

  1. No deja de ser interesante la idea de modificar los derechos de propiedad para la música. Que los músicos ganen dinero tocando en vivo y las grabaciones sean más para promoción, como era hace un siglo.

    Es un tema complicado pero interesante.


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