Jan 18, 2009

¿Es en serio?

Se suma un nuevo reproche contra el gobierno de Bush.

Servían un vino horrible en la Casa Blanca.

Pero qué cosa, gorda:

With an economy in crisis and two wars to prosecute, Barack Obama will have lots on his plate when he becomes president on Jan. 20. But it would be a great service to the nation, to say nothing of his own palate, if he and Michelle Obama could also give some consideration to what will be in his glass. The White House needs a new wine policy. Sure, having a commander in chief who actually drinks wine will be a big improvement. However, it won't be enough. During the Bush era, wine service at the executive mansion has been hostage to a profoundly misguided strategy that has turned this most civilized of beverages into an unnecessarily crude instrument of statecraft. Candidate Obama promised change we can believe in; here's an opportunity to deliver change we can taste.

Quiero creer que se trata de una tomadura de pelo, tipo The People's Cube.

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