Jan 21, 2009

Jonah Goldberg sobre la trascendencia de la elección de Obama a la presidencia de EEUU.

Me corrigen si entendí mal, pero aparentemente lo trascendente es que se haya elegido un negro, no que se haya elegido a Obama:

I am proud of and excited by the fact that we have inaugurated the first black president of the United States. He wasn’t my first choice, but he is nonetheless my president. And if ever there were a wonderful consolation prize in politics, shattering the race barrier in the White House is surely it.

Conservatives who try too hard to belittle the importance of this milestone are mistaken on several fronts. First, this is simply a wonderful—and wonderfully American—story. Any political movement that is joyless about what this represents risks succumbing to bitter political crankery.

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