Jan 12, 2009

Millonarios vs. políticos

Cuánta razón, visto en Instapundit:

Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, with about $60 billion in assets each, are America’s richest men. With all that money, what can they force us to do? Can they take our house to make room so that another person can build an auto dealership or a casino parking lot? Can they force us to pay money into the government-run retirement Ponzi scheme called Social Security? Can Buffett and Gates force us to bus our children to schools out of our neighborhood in the name of diversity? Unless they are granted power by politicians, rich people have little power to force us to do anything.

A GS-9, or a lowly municipal clerk, has far more life-and-death power over us. It’s they to whom we must turn to for permission to build a house, ply a trade, open a restaurant and myriad other activities. It’s government people, not rich people, who have the power to coerce and make our lives miserable. Coercive power goes a long way toward explaining political corruption.


  1. Muy buena la nota!

    Fijate Louis, que al final de los comentarios aparece un artículo sobre Argentina, con la foto de la Señora haciendo un gesto parecido a "Ya tengo las toronjas de este tamaño con los problemitas del campo...!"


  2. No me había dado cuenta de que en El Día había salido la nota de los anuncios del campo con la misma fotito del gesto de las manos.
    Ahora no sé, quizás se estaba refiriendo al volumen de algo que expulsó, que era lo que le producía los malestares y la lipotimia...


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