Comentario en un blog de recetas de cocina sin gluten.
El mero hecho que sea necesario incluir un disclaimer para colgar un video de la preparación de un pollo habla volúmenes de lo lejos que ha llegado la locura políticamente correcta:
The videos don't bother me. I mention this because I am a vegetarian. I think the word you wanted for people that the videos of dead chicken might offend is maybe "animal-lover" or "person who may or may not eat meat but can't handle the thought of it once being alive".
I'm a vegetarian because eating meat causes global warming. If you're not convinced, type it into google and find out why.
I have to admit that if I was gluten-free, I might not be meat-free. It's difficult to be that free!
(Gracias, Dolores)
Me parece que no le llega el agua al tanque. Pero es verdad. Pensar que hay sectas que obligan a sus fieles a ´ser vegetarianos, porque una persona que no come carne es más dócil y menos violenta.