Feb 13, 2009

Obamismo rima con onanismo

La mentalidad de rebaño. ¿Generará todo esto un nuevo Ronald Reagan?

Have you noticed that when a Democrat gets elected to the White House, we end up with an overwhelming array of printed material showing up any place where books are sold, including grocery stores? You will never see this happen when a Republican is elected. Not even Ronald Reagan got this reaction. It wasn’t until the Gipper left office that such commemorative works started selling. Given that Reagan got a bigger percentage of the popular vote than Obama did, it’s a little difficult to conclude that the reason for the difference in reaction is that Obama is more popular.

Why the difference then? Those Americans traditionally supporting Republican candidates tend not to let their entire beings get wrapped up in letting one politician or another be the answer to all their problems — or the cause of them.

The left, however, does. Demonstrably.


  1. Los fanáticos de los políticos, por supuesto, son los que creen que el estado es la solución de todo o casi todo.

  2. De todos modos, este nivel de culto a la personalidad en EEUU llama la atención.


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