Feb 2, 2009

Película repetida

Parece mentira. Uno no espera estas barbaridades de países como EEUU.

El paquete de estímulo entra perfectamente en la categoría de "no se preocupen que esta vez seguro que sale bien":

It is difficult to find a macroeconomics textbook these days that discusses Keynesian fiscal stimulus as a policy tool without serious flaws, which is why the current $800-billion proposal has taken many macroeconomists by surprise. John Cochrane of the University of Chicago recently noted that the idea of fiscal stimulus is "taught only for its fallacies" in university courses these days. Thomas Sargent of New York University noted that "the calculations that I have seen supporting the stimulus package are back-of-the-envelope ones that ignore what we have learned in the last 60 years of macroeconomic research."

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