Feb 9, 2009

Una vergüenza

¿Qué dice SG sobre el “paquete de estímulo”?

The bill is just a gigantic Democratic wish list and will do more to permanently expand the size of government than to stimulate the economy. The real tragedy will be that a permanently larger government will require permanently higher taxes, and an increased tax burden will almost surely mean less growth and a slower advance in our living standards. This bill should be called an "Economic Destruction Bill" because it will end up hurting the economy much more than it helps.

President Obama has started out his administration in the worst way imaginable. His stimulus is not a stimulus. His calls for bipartisanship in crafting the bill were phony. His understanding of economics is zero. Instead of hope, he used fear of disaster to promote his bill. He has squandered much of his credibility in just two weeks. If this bill emerges from Congress in anything like the form represented in this chart, I predict it will go down in history as one of the most egregious examples of government waste in history.

1 comment:

  1. lo notable es que hay concenso en lo terrible de este Stimulus (por derecha y por izquierda, arriba y abajo, intelectuales y gente de la calle) y los Dem siguen empujando... Obama sigue empujando... es notable... y aterrador a la vez...


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