Mar 3, 2009

Jonah Goldberg sobre la esquizofrenia fiscal de la perrada obamista. Porque hay déficits buenos y déficits malos. Los malos son los que generan las administraciones que no me son afines ideológicamente:

He loves to point out that he inherited a large deficit from the Republicans — which he did. But for reasons that are hard to grasp, he then suggests that this means Republicans have no right to complain when the deficit quadruples in one year or when he seeks to spend trillions of dollars on programs that have nothing whatsoever to do with ending the recession. Democrats flayed President Bush for deficits in the $300 billion to $400 billion range, when the country was at war and recovering from 9/11. Obama boasts that the deficit will be down to $500 billion to $600 billion during "peace and prosperity" — and that's only if his absurdly rosy scenario comes to pass. And we are supposed to applaud his fiscal seriousness to boot.

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