Apr 27, 2009

Interesante columna sobre el contraste entre el trato que le dio Obama a los sátrapas regionales y el que le dio a Uribe.

Me pregunto si este tipo honestamente cree que todo esto es en beneficio de la región:

Uribe, the un-Chavez. Whereas Chavez has destroyed a democracy, Uribe has resurrected one.

How did Obama treat Uribe? First the White House scheduled a meeting between Obama and Uribe. Then the White House called it off. In the end Obama agreed to sit next to Uribe during a luncheon, offering the president of Colombia an encounter that would prove neither newsworthy nor prestigious. Obama's demeanor toward Uribe was merely polite.

A few sentences in a speech, handshakes, a conversation during a luncheon. Did they matter? Unfortunately, they did.

Cubans, Bolivians, Nicaraguans, Venezuelans, Colombians--millions followed the Summit of the Americas. Now they know just what kind of Latin American leader our new president smiles upon.

1 comment:

  1. Obama terminó siendo la porquería que siempre fue, salvo durante la campaña electoral.


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