Apr 20, 2009

Los extremos a los que está llegando el fundamentalismo ambiental, una de las reencarnaciones colectivistas más recientes, son muy preocupantes. Tiemblo de sólo pensar que alguna vez lleguen al poder:

Does one not get the feeling that all this propaganda over the terrifying threat of global warming is beginning ever so slightly to turn people’s minds? Caroline Lucas MEP, the leader of the Green Party, last week agreed on television that flying to Spain was “as bad as knifing a person in the street”, because air travel like this is causing people to die “from climate change”.

Dr Richard Dixon, director of the Scottish WWF, was at the same time claiming that failing to ensure one’s home is “energy efficient” was a “moral crime”, as “anti-social as drink driving”, and “we should be having a discussion as to whether it should become an actual crime”.

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