May 7, 2009

Estados fallidos

Relacionado con este tema, parece mentira pero California se parece cada día más a cualquier provincia pordiosera argentina:

When Gray Davis, a Democrat, became California’s governor in 1999, the state’s budget was $75 billion. Tempted by dot-com windfalls and beholden to public-sector unions, Davis bumped that number to $104 billion in four short years of boom and bust, after which he was bounced out of office for his fiscal irresponsibility and replaced by a Milton Friedman–quoting action hero who promised to bring “fiscal sanity” back to Sacramento. Five years later, after facing another boom, another bust, and a series of bruising political defeats at the hands of public-sector unions, Schwarzenegger had hiked the budget to an astonishing $145 billion. In 10 years, state spending in nominal terms increased 92 percent.

1 comment:

  1. Esperemos que todo este desastre Obama tras el compassionate conservatism sirva para que se temple un partido republicano de fiscal conservatism.


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