May 15, 2009

Iba a hacer un post con esta noticia.

LA Times: In the campaign's final days, Schwarzenegger and his allies have switched strategies, warning of doomsday cuts should voters reject Propositions 1A and also 1B, which would restore education cuts in future years. In one TV spot, a firefighter walks alongside a red fire engine. "Without Props 1A and 1B," he says, "we have $16 billion in new cuts coming, could lose another 24,000 firefighters and police."

In fact, that is a roundabout reference to the $16 billion in tax-hike extensions that would not hit for more than a year -- and that have no bearing on any cuts that state leaders might impose if voters refuse to approve the nearly $6 billion tucked into Propositions 1C, 1D and 1E.

Proposition 1C would let the state instantly borrow $5 billion against future lottery revenues...

Cualquier similitud con la Argentina es pura coincidencia, no?

Y lo más significativo:

Also unmentioned in the ads is that California has laid off almost none of its 238,000 employees as part of the deal that Schwarzenegger and lawmakers struck in February to cut spending, raise taxes and borrow to close a $42-billion budget gap.

Yo creo que la única bandera que representa a todos los políticos del mundo es la de no despedir empleados públicos bajo ninguna circunstancia.

¿Para cuándo la propuesta de despedir el 50% de los empleados públicos que no sean bomberos, policías o enfermeras?


1 comment:

  1. Hola amigos argentinos por el mundo, los queremos invitar a visitar nuestro Blog para llevarles las últimas novedades de la actualidad, política y farándula, con nuestro toque de humor ácido. Besos a todos y que sean felices, esten donde esten


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