May 6, 2009

Otra vez se queda sin agua Mar del Plata, la séptima ciudad en importancia del país.

¿Cuántos días van ya?

Les digo desde ya que estas cosas no pasarían si la empresa fuera estatal, nacional y popular:

Government is pretty bad at everything it does. From the public schools to the DMV, the state as a provider is mediocre at best. This is because whether or not the bureaucratic heart is in the right place, the incentives in government are all wrong. And with taxed play money — i.e. no system of profit and loss — there is little need to be focused on customers. In a government monopoly, there is no need to change, adapt, reorganize, reward good performance, or encourage innovation. While there can be marginal improvements made in government-provided goods and services, these are usually spurred on either by popular outrage or competition from the private sector.


  1. Es culpa del lucro, seguro que la empresa puso tubo finito puso...

  2. La culpa es de Menem, de los malditos 90 y del "neoliberalismo".

    Además está bien que no haya agua así nadie se la podrá robar.


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