May 5, 2009


Miren esto:

The U.S. now spends as much as Canada on government, according to Canada's National Post. That means, for better or worse (almost assuredly worse), government will dole out a lot more goods and services for "free." Nothing is free, of course. All government goodies are funded through taxation or debt, the latter being just more taxes for your kids to pay. In any case, power accretes around politicians who promise what people believe to be free -- or, at least, what someone else has to pay for.

Vuelvo a lo mismo de siempre, una vez que se genera un sistema clientelista, lo que en inglés se conoce como “entitlement culture”, después es muy difícil salir.

Como decía Mark Steyn en una columna hace unos días:

In its boundless ambition, the Left understands that the character of a people can be transformed: British, Canadian and European elections are now about which party can deliver "better services," as if the nation is a hotel, and the government could use some spritelier bellhops. Socialized health care in particular changes the nature of the relationship between citizen and state into something closer to junkie and pusher.

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