Jun 3, 2009

De Guatepeor a Guatemala ?

Muy interesante reporte sobre el turismo sanitario desde USA a Guatemala.

I have glimpsed at the future of U.S. health care and I am pleasantly surprised.

Instead of continuing to rise at twice the rate of growth of income, health care spending will slow dramatically. Future prices will actually be lower than they are today. Providers will bundle their services into easily-understood packages with a single fee. They will compete against each other on price and quality and the data will be transparent. Health care will be provided in a free, competitive marketplace. Third-party insurance will be relied upon only for rare, very expensive events. Medical malpractice suits will be virtually unknown.

There is only one catch. All this will happen outside the United States.


  1. Muy interesante. Ahora, qué locura que los pacientes de EEUU, el principal centro de desarrollo de tecnología médica y medicamentos, tengan que viajar a Guatemala a hacerse atender.

  2. Che, quedó un tag de cursivas abierto...


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