Jun 30, 2009

Los australianos, con ganas de ponerse los pantalones largos en material de defensa.

Mientras tanto, en canacaland siguen considerando un derecho adquirido ser un “free rider” de EEUU:

The latest defence White Paper recommends buying 100 advanced F-35 jet fighters and 12 powerful submarines equipped with cruise missiles, a capability which no other country in the region is believed to possess.

The "potential instability" caused by the emergence of China and India as major world powers was cited as the most pressing reason for this military build-up. In particular, Australian defence planners are believed to be concerned about China's growing naval strength and America's possible retreat as a global power in the decades ahead.


  1. Bueno, operando Hornets, Aardvarks, C-17, BAe Hawk, y otros bichos por el estilo, no están precisamente en bolas en materia de amterial aéreo

  2. Nilda les ofrece los FAL de segunda y completan el escudo...

  3. Obamista de la 1era HoraJuly 1, 2009 at 8:31 PM

    Que desastre hizo Bush ehhh


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