Jun 22, 2009

Zombies e ideología

Ya que estamos en el tema, muy relacionado con estos dos posts de hace unos años (uno y dos), ¿las películas de zombies son de izquierda?

Tal vez deberíamos crear una etiqueta "izquierda zombie":

While one can certainly use zombies to express all kinds of ideas, I would argue that at heart, the genre is a progressive one. It's true that fighting off the zombie horde requires plentiful firearms, no doubt pleasing Second Amendment advocates. And in a zombie movie, government tends to be either ineffectual or completely absent. On the other hand, when the zombie apocalypse comes, capitalism breaks down, too -- people aren't going to be exchanging money for goods and services; they're just going to break into the hardware store and grab what they need (and if you think your private health insurer is going to be paying claims for treatment of zombie bites, you're living in a dream world). But most important, what ensures survival in a zombie story are the progressive ideals of common cause and collective action.

1 comment:

  1. Sí, pero cuando sos el último humano o uno de los últimos, ahí ves el híper individualismo.

    En Buenos Aires estamos "hungry for change", for small change para las máquinas boleteras de los colectivos.


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