Jul 21, 2009

Ahora nos van a usar de conejillos de indias aprovechando la histeria colectiva:

So it was decided to recommend that the first few tens of millions of doses be formulated and produced BEFORE the results of the clinical trials are in. After the trials are completed, they will then have the option to go back and make changes to the vaccine. It sounded like the second round of vaccine would be expected at the end of October, but they were not completely clear on that.

This means that members of the public who are vaccinated with the H1N1 flu shot in September and likely October will be receiving an untested vaccine. (Note that these will most likely be children, infants and pregnant women).

Ayer leí en Clarín que podrían empezar a fabricar la vacuna en Argentina. Ya sabemos como son los controles y el rigor en nuestro querido país. Por si acaso yo no voy a vacunar a nadie.



  1. Pero ... ¡Dolores! ¿Acaso no confiás en los científicos del Conicet? ¿En Paenza?

  2. Dolores, la vacuna solamente está indicada en mayores de 65 años y con patologías de base.

  3. Nicolas, con todo respeto te pregunto si leiste el link... ahi se habla de un proyecto que estaria listo para lanzarse en el otoño del Norte, cuando esperan un rebrote del virus y la vuelta de la histeria...


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