Jul 31, 2009

Excelente columna en Reason sobre los sistemas de salud de EEUU y Europa, no se la pierdan:

The fact of the matter is that America's health care system is like a free market in the same way that Madonna is like a virgin—i.e. in fiction only. If anything, the U.S. system has many more similarities than differences with France and Germany. The only big outlier among European nations is England, which, even in a post-communist world, has managed the impressive feat of hanging on to a socialized, single-payer model. This means that the U.K. government doesn't just pays for medical services but actually owns and operates the hospitals that provide them. English doctors are government employees!


  1. Es indudable que USA va por el camino de Europa.

  2. Me gustó mucho este video donde el congresista Paul Ryan destroza a una columnista de MSNBC en un debate sobre el sistema de salud:



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